Benefits of Wheelchair Ramps

The benefits of installing a wheelchair ramp.

Wheelchair ramps are a wonderful thing. They promote accessibility and allow individuals to gain access to places or spaces that might have otherwise been inaccessible. They can also be used for loading recreational vehicles and navigating curves when making commercial deliveries. Ramps are often used in professional healthcare settings.


Wheelchair ramps are common

If you look around, you will notice that many people are installing wheelchair ramps at their homes and business establishments. Schools, churches, malls and public buildings all have wheelchair ramps. Most buildings and stores offer convenient access to a wheelchair ramp. These installations provide freedom to the wheelchair user, so why not make your home wheelchair accessible as well?


Why it is easier to use a ramp

Neglecting the friction, it is easier to push something up a ramp than lifting up vertically because the amount of force that is needed is the component of the weight along the ramp rather than the whole weight. The less steep the inclination of the ramp, the smaller amount of force is needed.


Greater Accessibility

The primary benefit associated with wheelchair ramps are to create accessibility and mobility for elderly and disabled individuals. Wheelchair ramps make it easier for wheelchair users to travel upstairs, provides access to showers, pass raised landings over doorways, and allows access through sliding doorways with minimal risk of accident or injury.


Before installing a wheelchair ramp

Before installing a wheelchair ramp, you should consider things like width. The minimum width for a wheelchair ramp is 36 inches but you can measure your chair to determine the exact width you may need for your home. You can also use tape or chalk to map out your path to understand how much space you will need for turns. The slope of the ramp or the angle of the incline surface, is a critical consideration. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that ramps used by the public have a maximum slope of 1:12. Which means one foot of elevation change for every 12 feet of ramp lift.


Other Considerations

You should also think about the type of benefits of wheelchair ramps Tulsa mobility device that will be used, how permanent you want the ramp to be, and whether you might need to move it in the future. You can also consider things like the ramp’s length, weight capacity, and budget.



Wheelchair ramps come in a wide range of materials, they no longer have to be visually unappealing or an eyesore when installed in the home. There are various options you can select from that can compliment the interior design of your home. Wheelchair ramps come in steel, aluminum, and natural pressure treated wood. Believe it or not, there are also rubber ramp installations and a vast amount of other benefits of wheelchair ramps Tulsa materials as well.



The materials used to create wheelchair ramps are highly robust, sturdy, and durable. You must take into consideration what mobile device would be used on the ramp. The main objective for the ramp is to be heavy in order to support the device and the individual. The most common devices used on ramps are wheelchairs, mobility vehicles, mobility scooters, and canes. Make sure that your ramp can support the devices that are used in your home. As mentioned earlier, if the ramp will be primarily used by wheelchair and scooter users, it should be made out of sturdy materials with a high load capacity. If planning an outdoor ramp installation, be sure the material can withstand being exposed to harsh weather conditions.

Wheelchair ramps enable the physically challenged and elderly to safely navigate terrain, that would otherwise be inaccessible. A wheelchair ramp is generally designed to provide an easier and safer way for people with mobility issues to access elevated areas. It eliminates the struggles of steps, stairs, and curbs. Through access ramps, individuals who rely on wheelchairs and other mobile aids can easily access places.



Installing a wheelchair ramp to a property is beneficial for the confidence levels of individuals who use them thanks to the freedoms that it provides to navigate their own home without assistance. Leaving home each day comes with an uncertainty of encountering wheelchair unfriendly situations. From doorways, to flat thresholds. You just never know what each building or businesses might offer in terms of wheelchair accessibility. After a wheelchair ramp is installed in the home, individuals and their loved ones will feel emboldened knowing that their home is completely wheelchair friendly with the benefits of wheelchair ramps Tulsa. Each day can be started on a smooth, accessible path. This sets a positive tone, adding confidence to handle whatever unpredictable access situations that may come up.


Enhance your home value

As the population ages, more and more home buyers are looking for accessible dwellings or universal design elements suitable for people who are aging or disabled. Installing a wheelchair ramp can add to the value of your home if you should ever consider to sell. The addition of a wheelchair ramp signals that your home is not just compliant with ADA regulations, but also designed with accessibility in mind. Listing your home as wheelchair friendly opens more possibilities in terms of selling to buyers with special mobility needs.


Social Opportunities

Finally, enhancing accessibility through a wheelchair ramp installation opens up more options for staying socially engaged. It becomes easier for loved ones, friends, and neighbors to comfortably visit knowing wheelchair access will not obstruct or hinder the individual. There will no longer be a sense of isolation and restriction due to inaccessible stairways or hazardous back entrances. The freedom to easily come and go also makes it simpler for wheelchair users to visit others and stay socially connected. Removing physical barriers improves the possibility for strengthening social ties. 

Having the initiative to install a wheelchair ramp can improve accessibility throughout the home and can increase the individual’s quality of life. Daily living will feel simpler as physical boundaries fade and independence blossoms. These benefits are not just for the users, but for the entire household. 

A wheelchair ramp improves confidence, independence, and freedom of navigating the home. This makes a significant difference in the aging or disabled person’s life. They are obstacle free to perform simple tasks and to explore the inside and outside of their own homes.