Choosing the Right Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist

As individuals grow into their elderly years, one of the biggest concerns for families is whether an individual will have to move into a nursing home as they continue to age. However, studies have shown that 89% of people aged 50 and older wish to stay in their own homes, regardless of their age or ability level. These individuals who wish to age in place want to stay with their families, keep their homes, or simply do not want to move to a nursing home. However, the challenges of living at home can become more apparent as individuals grow older. 

One of the solutions to these problems is to improve the accessibility of a home, however for an individual knowing exactly what needs to be changed in order to provide the most comfort, stability, and independence possible for an elderly individual can prove to be a daunting task. For individuals looking for assistance with this, A Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist or CAPS specialist can offer invaluable advice, assistance and help in setting up potential remodeling or renovating services to make an individual’s home more accessible, safe, and comfortable for an individual looking to age in place in their own home.

Aging-in-Place has become much more accessible and viable thanks to both an increasing desire for individuals to stay in their homes, and the greater knowledge granted to individuals about the accessibility and viability of renovating their homes to be safe for elderly individuals to remain in. The National Association of Home Builders reported that 75% of their modelers have seen an increase in requests for work related to Aging-in-Place and 60% are already performing this type of work. CAPS Specialists are often the individuals that help the most in organizing the services required to perform these renovations. 


What is a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist

A Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist is a professional that has completed the National Association of Home Builder’s training program and earned their designation as a Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS). Certified Aging-In-Place Specialists are taught to assess the personal needs of individuals and are skilled at identifying the potential changes an environment may need to ensure that aging seniors can remain in their homes safely and securely. When choosing the right certified aging-in-place specialist Tulsa, you’ll know that CAPS have certifications that allow them to manage and oversee home remodeling that remains within aging-in-place safety standards.

CAPS specialists have been taught the skills for designing and building barrier-free environments. CAPS Specialists pledge to uphold a code of ethics, are required to participate in community service, and attend continued education programs, keeping them always up to date with changing regulations, requirements, and codes to continue to be able to provide individuals with the best possible advice tailored to their needs.


Benefits of Hiring Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist

Though accessibility is undoubtedly on the mind when considering hiring a CAPS specialist and renovator, the specialist themselves are well trained at spotting both the immediate, most apparent changes such as a need for grab bars, and the changes that may be more subtle such as adjusting the height of a bed. Regardless of those needs, a CAPS specialist can help determine what changes will be needed and give quotes on the cost of the potential remodels and renovations. CAPS specialists will work with the provided budget to make the most meaningful changes. Along with assessing a home, a CAPS specialist can recommend contractors with the necessary skills for the renovations, such as electricians, engineers, plumbers, and many other services. In most cases, these contractors have worked with the CAPS specialist before, ensuring a potential track record of good communication and effective service.

If renovations and remodeling is undertaken, the CAPS specialist will set up a meeting after all renovations are completed to review the new conditions and ensure that the individual feels safe, happy, and comfortable with the new changes along with assessing if any more potential changes are required. If there are any further concerns or questions about the home, this would be the best time for an individual to ask the CAPS specialist about when you are choosing the right certified aging-in-place specialist Tulsa.


Ensuring Reputable Service

While a good personality might seem appealing, it is most important to choose a CAPS specialist who is well informed and experienced. Despite the rigorous coursework required to become a CAPS specialist, the National Association of Home Builders heavily recommends asking any CAPS Specialist that is desired for house remodeling a few important questions to determine if they are a good choice.

  • Find out how much experience the CAPS specialist has doing this sort of work. Remodelers with more experience under their belt are likely to have a higher quality of work. Along with this, it is important to search for a fair price, rather than the most affordable price. House remodeling projects are important for ensuring that an aging individual can remain in the home for the rest of their lives. Successful remodeling jobs are more likely when working with reputable, fair priced CAPS specialists.
  • If possible, try to find a history of the CAPS specialist’s work related to the services that is being requested, whether that be from a friend, family, neighbors, or others. Having references with successful remodeling projects can heavily reassure the CAPS specialist’s quality of work or lack thereof.
  • Ensure that the CAPS Specialist has appropriate licensing along with liability and worker’s compensation insurance for their employees. Without this insurance, accidents or injuries that happen on the job may be held accountable by the homeowner and incur expensive lawsuits.
  • Check with Local or State office of Consumer Protection along with the local Better Business Bureau for outstanding complaints with the CAPS specialist that is doing the remodeling.
  • Ask the CAPS specialist for a written estimate for their services based on the specifications and plans that are intended for the home.

If the home is being rented, it is important to note that written approval will be required either from the landlord, or the management company of the property. If the approval is refused, it is advised to record the denial in writing and contact the local Fair Housing Act Agency to look for potential solutions when you are choosing the right certified aging-in-place specialist Tulsa. 

Some landlords may require that the property is restored to its original state before it was occupied. Consider this when setting aside a budget for renovating or remodeling rental homes for accessibility.


Possible Funding Sources

Renovation services can be expensive depending on the needs of the individual, however there are a number of ways to pay for services. 

Private Funding

  • Personal Savings
  • Home Equity loan
  • Reverse Mortgage
  • Doctor prescribed home modifications
    • May potentially be tax deductible.
    • Health Insurance may cover doctor prescribed home modifications.
  • Donations 
  • In-Kind Work from churches, community service groups or other non-profit organizations.

Public Funding

  • Social Security may cover some equipment through Medicaid
  • Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Waiver
  • Veterans Affairs may cover cost of equipment for Veterans.
  • Social Services or Local Community development agencies may have programs that offer assistance with paying for home modifications. 
    • Some programs may have staff to do the necessary remodeling.
    • Other programs may offer free labor but require the individual to purchase the materials required.